Green Pools & Mosquitoes
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Mosquitoes in Pools
Mosquitoes develop in dirty, algae-filled water. If not maintained properly and regularly, a single ‘green’ swimming pool can produce up to 3 million mosquitoes in one month. Pools that produce mosquitoes are public health risks. Controlling mosquitoes in non-functional pools is a year-round challenge and requires significant effort and planning to keep them mosquito-free.
With more than 5,000 improperly maintained pools to monitor, the District needs cooperation from residents. While many pools are clean and functional and do not produce mosquitoes, there are pool conditions that require multiple compliance checks every year because they are empty and can collect water and debris. This can be resource-intensive, inconvenient for residents, and a health risk for the community.
Prevention is Key
Protecting our communities from mosquito-transmitted diseases is a shared responsibility. All residents must ensure their swimming pools are clean and functional or do not pose a public health risk by producing mosquitoes.
The best long-term mosquito management strategy for pools includes a working pump and filtration system and a regular chemical treatment schedule. However, we understand that this may not always be possible for some residents. In these situations, the District can provide assistance to ensure a pool does not endanger the health of a community.

How We Can Help
1. Short-term Pesticide Treatment – A clean and functional pool is the best way to stay mosquito-free and prevent disease. Pesticide treatments are available as a short-term solution for residents who are in the process of restoring their pool to a clean and functional state. The District will work with the resident to provide chemical control for up to six months as long as the resident is actively pursuing a permanent solution.
2. Empty and Dry* Pool Support – An empty and dry pool is kept completely dry and free of debris year-round. If a resident chooses to empty their pool, the District will need confirmation multiple times throughout the year to ensure no water has been left to collect at the bottom. Confirmation can be completed in two ways:
*Swimming pools without water are prone to costly structural damage. The District in no way, recommends that anyone empty their pool and encourages residents to research the negative impact of removing the water before doing so.
- Photo Confirmation: Residents can confirm the pool's condition by texting or emailing a picture to the District. The District will request up to four photos throughout the year. The pool must be empty and dry.
- Schedule a Physical Inspection: The District will send out a vector control specialist to visit the property and confirm the pool’s condition. The District will request up to four inspections a year, which will be scheduled in advance through phone, text, or email.
The health of your community depends on you. Help the District protect your neighborhood by keeping pools clean and functional or dry and empty. To learn more about our Pool Program or to sign up, visit our page here.