Swimming Pool Notice

Mosquitoes need dirty, stagnant water to complete their life cycle. If not maintained properly, swimming pools can breed up to 3,000,000 adult mosquitoes in one month under the right weather conditions. Higher mosquito populations can mean more risk of mosquito-transmitted disease in your community.
Only two conditions will guarantee that mosquitoes do not grow in swimming pools: “Clean and Functional” or “Empty and Dry.” All other conditions will require corrective action by the resident.
If you have received a Violation Notice, you must confirm the pool is “Clean and Functional” or “Empty and Dry.”
Clean and Functional

A Clean and Functional pool has a working pump and filtration system, and a regular chemical treatment schedule. Water must be clear, with little to no algae or debris. A clean and functional pool is the BEST way to stay mosquito-free.
Empty and Dry*

An Empty and Dry pool is completely empty of water and free of debris. Mosquitoes will continue to lay eggs and grow throughout our mild winters, so the pool will need to be emptied in between rains. Standing water should not be allowed to remain in a non-functional pool for more than four days. Empty pools need regular maintenance to stay mosquito-free and require inspections after rain events.
*Swimming pools without water are prone to costly structural damage. The District, in no way recommends that anyone empty their pool and encourages residents to research the negative impact of removing the water before doing so.
Above-Ground Pools

Above ground pools should be kept clean and functional. Other pools such as “kiddie” or inflatable pools must be empty and dry after every use.
If not in use, store under covered patio or garage to protect from rain.
If you received a Notice requesting confirmation of the condition of your swimming pool, you may respond in one of three ways to the contact provided on your notice.
- Text a Photo: (562) 758-6592
- Email us a Photo at MosquitoPools@glacvcd.org
- Schedule an Inspection: Call/text the number provided on your notice and a Vector Control Specialist can come out to the property for a visual confirmation.
To send a photo: Take a photo of your swimming pool (clean and functional or empty and dry) with the confirmation Swimming Pool Violation Notice in the foreground. The Notice MUST be clearly shown in the SAME photo as the pool.
DO NOT WAIT IF REPAIRS ARE NEEDED - Call/text the District immediately to confirm receipt of the notice and provide an estimated timeline for completion