Truck-mounted Mosquito Control Applications Scheduled in Watts
LOS ANGELES (August 28, 2019) – The Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District (GLACVCD / District) is reporting an elevated level of invasive Aedes mosquito activity in the neighborhood of Watts. A truck-mounted mosquito control application is scheduled for August 29th from 3:00 AM – 5:00 AM in order to decrease the adult mosquito population and lower the risk of potential disease transmission.
The invasive Aedes species are present in Los Angeles County communities. In addition to being a nuisance, they are capable of transmitting Zika, dengue, chikungunya viruses, and dog heartworm to pets. There have been no local outbreaks of these viruses in the county; however, the presence of Aedes mosquitoes increases the risk.
The District will conduct an ultra-low volume (ULV) truck-mounted application to control the adult mosquitoes in a neighborhood containing 82 properties in Watts. Treatment locations will include an area between Graham Avenue to Beach Street, and Century Boulevard to 95th Street. GLACVCD personnel will be applying AquaDuet™, a water-based public health mosquito control product (pesticide). The product is applied according to the label rate (less than 1 fluid oz. per acre) which is not harmful to people or pets, even if they are present during the application. The application will also not harm the finishes on cars or homes. If weather conditions are not favorable, or if there are operational delays, the treatment may be postponed or delayed.
Every effort will be made to notify residents in the application areas by treatment notification postings, social media, and news media. The public is also encouraged to visit the GLACVCD website ( for the latest information on mosquito activities.
Mosquito control is a shared responsibility and residents must take an active role in reducing nuisance-biting mosquitoes and the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses in their neighborhoods by taking the following steps:

- Eliminate standing water in clogged rain gutters, rain barrels, discarded tires, buckets, watering troughs or anything that holds water for more than a week
- Ensure that swimming pools, spas, and ponds are properly maintained
- Change the water in pet dishes, birdbaths and other small containers weekly
- Request mosquitofish from your local vector control district for placement in ornamental ponds
- Wear EPA-recommended insect repellent when outdoors where mosquitoes may be present
- Report neglected (green) swimming pools in your neighborhood to your vector control district
For more information, residents can contact the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District at 562-944-9656
The Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District is a public health service agency formed under the authority of the California State Health & Safety Code. Our mission is to reduce populations of public health vectors below nuisance levels and prevent human infection associated with mosquito-transmitted diseases.
Media Contacts
Anais Medina Diaz, Public Information Officer,
Mary-Joy Coburn, Director of Community Affairs,